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 Community VOICES  


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Educating Hamilton Community in Local Council

We are a group of volunteers advocating Integrity, Transparency, Accountability, Democracy and Expertise in Local Council and educating the Hamilton community about Council proposals. 

Whether you own your own home, or are paying rent, you are paying for the decisions of your elected officials. We are concerned by the persistent and high rates increases, wasteful spending, and the dramatic increases in debt levels in our city.

This website outlines the insights we’ve gained on how the Hamilton City Council is functioning. We have structured it by items of interest so that it is easy for you to follow events and activities which we are concerned about. We have used the Hamilton City Council’s Key Visions from their 1995-2016 Strategic Plan as a means to measure their overarching performance as we find the 19 individual plans do not address the overall strategy.

Council Plans & Standing Orders

A significant number of plans and agreements have been published by HCC. There does not appear to be an overarching plan that the individual plans relate to. Many documents are complex, consist of too many pages and no doubt not read by the community, who are being asked to provide their expertise in helping decide Hamilton's future.

Call for an Independent Commissioner

However, we are sufficiently concerned following widespread public concerns about council governance and management on significant issues including housing affordability and climate change, along with continuing misgivings on financial affairs, that we believe an Independent Commissioner should be appointed to review and manage HCC Affairs.

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